Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Email * How did you find out about Around the Table Co? * Why are you interested in Around the Table Co services? * How many adults and how many children are in your family? * What food allergies, food sensitivities, and/or dietary restrictions does your family have? * Do you find meal time to be challenging? Why? What meals are the hardest (breakfast, lunch, dinner)? * Briefly describe what you and your family’s diet looks like? Is there anything you would change? * What’s the most important to you when it comes to meals for you and your family? Pick up to 3. Eating together as a family Eating at home instead of eating out Making quick meals Eating clean (organic, minimal sugar, grass-fed, etc) Eating healthy (eating balanced meals that consist of enough fruits, vegetables, protein, carbs, fats, etc) Budget friendly Trying new foods Cooking with my family Making foods from scratch Where do you grocery shop? * Have you ever tried a meal prep service before? If so, what were the pros and cons? * Please give us a rough idea where you are located. * Any additional info you would like to add: Thank you for your interest in Around the Table Co! We will follow up within two business days. We look forward to getting to know more about you and your family!